Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What does it mean to be human?

David Guetta "She Wolf" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJCjrZk8qo0

For some reason, on numerous accounts today, I have come across the question of what it means to be human. An article I read in HBR approached this question from a humane perspective in the context of a story about a random act of kindness. (http://blogs.hbr.org/taylor/2012/08/its_more_important_to_be_kind.html) Without delving too much into the ontological nature of this question, I personally seek the answer in human medicine for I believe it allows us to understand human-ness from the most fundamental and verifiable perspective. Additionally, and on a different level, I believe in the importance of humanity as an identifier of the human-self. This echoes Kant's perspective on the ability to reason and I also believe it should include compassion and the ability to work-together and build/sustain a society as hallmarks of human-ness. I quickly googled this question to see what I would get in return and I came across a bunch of interesting articles so more on this later.

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