Monday, October 22, 2012

In honor of ether day...

No music, NEJM videos instead!

Ether day was last week at MGH (the first public demonstration of ether used as anesthesia.) Here's a video from NEJM that reminded me of ether day:

I'm also in the midst of reading Dr. Gawande's The Checklist Manifesto (the actual checklists he has implemented at Brigham are shown in the video.) I love the ideology behind this book especially since it reminds me of a checklist I used to use as an engineer when designing things. It makes sense that engineers and production sites use checklists, but I always enjoy seeing a core principle that has already streamlined/improved one industry transcend disciplines (especially when the application is in medicine.)

Don't ask why I'm up this late. I got lost in reading about medicine again. Enjoy folks!

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