Friday, May 17, 2013

End of an annoying week

This script sums up my frustrations this week:

Me: What do I have to do to make sure this package gets delivered by Monday? We're willing to make it worth the effort. I'm willing to retrieve the package from Raynham if necessary.
FedEx: I'm sorry mam, No. You'd have to coordinate any upgrade with the sender and it still won't get shipped out today because it's locked in a box at the Raynham facility.
Me: I'll go to Raynham and pick it up that's not an issue.
FedEx: Sorry Raynham facility does not support customer pickup.
Me: If I was Barack Obama you'd let me go to Raynham and get my FMOC (chemical reagent)
FedEx: No. Sorry that's our policy and you're not Barack.

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