Saturday, February 23, 2013

See if you can answer these fun questions!

Jay-Z/Linkin Park-Numb/Encore

Gruff...I'm quite sleepy today but as I was watching an episode of Planet Earth a few days back I was thinking to myself a few things...see if you can answer these questions for yourself! (My answers are below)

(1) If you could be any animal what would you be?
(2) What animal would you not like to be? (reason through this in a practical manner.)
(3) What kind of natural phenomenon/geological feature are you? (earthquake, volcano, earth, wind fire etc...)
(4) What's your favorite dinosaur? (I had a pen-pal when I was 8 and proceeded unfriend her because she gave me a poor response to this question.)
(5) Would you rather be a fish or a bird?

(1) Elephant or Lion. Elephants are just so docile and giant. Lions seem to have a nice community going on for themselves.
(2) Polar bear--after watching planet earth, our planet doesn't seem to have a prosperous future for those polar bears due to global warming and melting of polar ice caps.
(3)  Iceberg--nice and shiny from a distance, but crash into it and you are asking for trouble ;)
(4) Stegosaurus or brontosaurus
(5) FISH--I'm afraid of birds and I love aquatic animals.

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